About Lycée Francais Charles Lepierre Lisbonne (LFCL)
Lycée Français Charles Lepierre (LFCL) is an international school in Lisbon, Portugal. The medium of instruction is French. About 63% of the students are French or French-Portuguese, while about 10% are of other nationalities.
The school belongs to the system of schools managed by the Agence pour l’Enseignement du Français à l’Étranger (AEFE) under the French foreign ministry. The school follows the official instructions of France's Ministry of National Education.
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3 to 18
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More Info >10 Reviews of Lycée Francais Charles Lepierre Lisbonne (LFCL)
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How would you rate Lycée Francais Charles Lepierre Lisbonne (LFCL)?
bad,it was a nightmare to be in there,they don't have basic conditions,stupid rules,...
Reviews from Google
Recent reviews posted on Google.
Rating: |
Elisandra Frankiw, 7 months ago
Eu gostaria de saber mais informações sobre a escola!! Teria algum tipo de e-mail para que eu possar falar com alguém. Obrigada!!
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Jorge Silva, 3 months ago
Grande escola, boa localização e excelentes condições para o ensino. O corpo docente por norma é exigente, mas este lyceu de língua francesa acaba por ser elitista. Valores a, pagar médio altos.
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Miguel Jose, 8 months ago
Ici pas de gillets jaunes, juste des gillets d'or! C'est aussi le lycée de certains qui viennent s'installer au Portugal mais qui parle pas un mot de portugais. On se demande s'ils viennent vraiment pour s'intégrer ou surtout pour profiter...
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jean martinet, a year ago
Ce type d'établissements devrait normalement justifier du respect des critères d’homologation (comme l'accueil des enfants de nationalité française). Or, il a tendance à privilégier les élèves de nationalité portugaise ou bi-culturelle, et de milieux bourgeois (avocats, politiques, etc). Ce n'est pas normal et sera signalé par courrier à qui de droit.